
Saturday Dec 23, 2017
Morning with Mozen Episode #2-Improvements are like grains of sand.
Saturday Dec 23, 2017
Saturday Dec 23, 2017
Everyone sooner or later feels frustration with their practice. Remember that ever step forward no matter how tiny or seemingly insignificant is still a step forward. One day two steps forward, on back. Another day two back and only one forward. In time more steps forward and less steps back. Keep moving.

Monday Jun 05, 2017
Episode #7- Capoeria, Gymnastics,- Movement with Amir Solsky
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Monday Jun 05, 2017
In this episode of the Agatsu Physical Culture Podcast we sit down with Amir Solsky to discuss gymnastics, capoeira, hand balancing and more.
Visit http://www.fundamentalsofmovement.com for more info on Amir Check out http://www.agatsu.com for more interviews, articles, workouts and training in Kettlebells, Mobility, Indian Clubs and more.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2013
Tuesday Nov 05, 2013
So you want to open a gym? This podcast is a MUST listen too for anyone who owns a gym or dreams of some day opening up their own space. Join me as I talk to Academy of Lions owner Dhani Oks and hear how he went from training people out of the back of his car to owning one of the most unique three story gyms in Canada.

Monday Sep 30, 2013
Episode #5-Crossfit,law, pizza and gymnastics with Sean Lind
Monday Sep 30, 2013
Monday Sep 30, 2013
Grab a seat and listen in as I catch up with Crossfit gymnastics coach Sean Lind. Sean was one of the coaches that helped bring Sam Briggs to 2013 Crossfit Games victory.

Tuesday Jan 08, 2013
Episode #4-The Future of Boxing with Alexandre Choko
Tuesday Jan 08, 2013
Tuesday Jan 08, 2013
Ali, Tyson, Holyfield, the list goes on and on as a who's who of boxing greats and Alexandre Choko has met them all. Sitting in his office surrounded by 55 pictures of the boxing insiders that he interviewed for his astounding book (The Future of Boxing) we discuss his journey and the stories that boxers, trainers and writers shared with him. After a five year odyssey that had him selling off his gym, and car to finance his passion what did he learn? What did the greats of boxing share with him and why does Shawn Mozen say "The Future of Boxing is more than a fight book. This is a must read for anyone who wants to understand passion and what it takes to make it to the top. Just as business people read The Art of War, everyone should read this book to learn what it takes to turn a dream into a reality." CHECK OUT THE FUTURE OF BOXING CHECK OUT THE FUTURE OF BOXING FACEBOOK PAGE

Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Episode #3-Powerlifting, Chocolate Milk & More with Willie Albert & Jay Nera
Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Join us for Episode #3 of the Agatsu Physical Culture Podcast as we sit down with Willie Albert and Jay Nera of Crossfit O-Town to talk powerlifting, recovery drinks, raw lifting and more!

Monday Nov 12, 2012
Episode #2- Joint Mobility, Movement & Things That Make My Ass Twitch
Monday Nov 12, 2012
Monday Nov 12, 2012
We are back for Episode #2 of the Agatsu Physical Culture Podcast! My guest for this episode is Sara-Clare Lajeunesse the director of the Agatsu Joint Mobility & Movement program. Listen as we discuss what joint mobility training is and why everyone should be doing it. Find out why bodyweight training should be part of the the foundation of your practice and enjoy a brand new segment called "Things that make my ass twitch."

Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
Episode #1- Sleep, Sex & RocknRoll
Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
Welcome to the all new Agatsu Physical Culture Podcast. In this first episode we discus how sleep cycles can dramatically effect your life. Everything from training, sex and recovery are covered in a jam packed 30 minute interview.